Sad Modern Lover

My Poems

It’s sad to be a lover today.
Our letters are mails,
Our calls, texts.

I wish I loved you back when
letters were the real deal.
I’d keep all of them safe, and
wouldn’t fear them getting ‘deleted’.

I would’ve smelt them,
for your beautiful hands would’ve touched them.
I would’ve traced each word with my fingers,
for your heart must have whispered each phrase.
I would’ve kissed them, thinking I’ve kissed you,
for you must have spoken the words out loud.

And I would’ve held them close,
thinking I’ve embraced a part of you.

It’s sad to be a lover today.

I Don’t Miss You

My Poems

If you’d ask me whether I miss you,

I’d say I don’t.
But just sometimes, when I’m looking at the setting sun,
My eyes well up —
And my heart aches for your presence beside me.

But, no, I don’t miss you all the time.

I’m being honest.
Just sometimes when I’m ready to run away from everything
I think of your arms, that I’d want to call home.

But I really don’t miss you,

For life’s busy and life’s fast.
Just sometimes, when time is flying by —
            I close my eyes and hope to see you smile.

हटा दो

My Poems, Uncategorized

तो फिर हटा दो वो झूठे लाज का घूंघट
वो तौर तरीकों के जाले
वो नज़ाखत वो अदाएं …
फिर ही तो मिल पाओगे मुझसे तुम
बेबाक , बेशरम, बिना झूठ बिना सच
बिना खुद के , बिना मेरे ।

फिर हटा देना वो सोच के दायरे
मैं क्या देखूंगा
क्या सोचूंगा
क्या कहूँगा
जब आना मुझसे मिलने
तो बस अपनी रूह लाना…
नंगी, अनछुई,
ना साफ़ ना मैली।