The Walls

My Poems

Walls, they take a long time to build.
My walls are colourful.
They’re coloured by words,
ugly, sometimes angry words.
Some beautiful words – lies.
It is coloured by indifference.
Actions. Reactions. Broken promises.
Each brick carefully placed
For walls, they take a long time to build.

Walls, they build like plants grow
You can’t tell the day or time they sprouted.

Walls are sometimes weird,
you might not even know they’re there.

Sometimes, you need someone to care,
for you to know you don’t want it.
sometimes, you need to be told , ‘i love you’
for you to know you’re scared of it.
Sometimes, you need someone to get close,
for you to know your walls are keeping them out.
Sometimes, you need a great knocking
for you to know your walls keep you safe.

Don’t ask me to tear these walls down,
I’ve built them so meticulously.
For walls, they took a long time to build.
Just know that there’s a reason
my walls don’t have doors.

Review: Turtles All The Way Down – A Must Read


Books that talk of mental illness have a special place in my heart. I cannot really say why, but books like Perks of Being a Wallflower, Norwegian Woods and now Turtles all the Way Down will probably always be on the ‘books I can read over and over again’ shelf.

Turtles All The Way Down, the latest by John Green was a brilliant read and a bloody fast one too. But before everything else, here’s a confession that I need to make: I have never read a John Green book before. So I won’t be able to tell you how the book compares with the other ones.

Turtles is the story of Aza, a girl carefully named for her father wanted her name to cover all the alphabets. Like most young adults, she has a best friend, Daisy, and a crazy love story going on in the background. Her love story with Davis Pickett has a mystery angle to it as well, in which Aza and Daisy go on to look for a runaway billionaire which has a promise to make them rich. All these stories run in the background of the central theme: Anxiety.

The book has an overall philosophical tone to it, which gets a little over-the-top sometimes. But otherwise when you’re done with reading and you lie on the bed thinking, it all makes sense. This is a book that makes you wanna think, really.

Among the many reasons as to why you should read th book, the prime one that strikes me is this : the characters are real. The people in the book are so real you’d think you could really meet one of them in real life. For instance, Aza has a car named ‘Harold’. Yes she has named it and she has a relationship with the car as if it were a person. Her emotions with the object are real. We all know at least one person who has real relationships with objects.

Another thing that’s commendable about the book is John Green’s knowledge about other things. Animals, stars, medicine, tech and so many other things. It is amazing to read so many new things.

This is a book you shouldn’t give a miss. It is a must read. Young or adult.

Oh and, the cover is beautiful.

Book: Turtles All The Way Down
Author: John Green
Publisher: Penguin Random House, UK
286 (Hardcover)

Sad Modern Lover

My Poems

It’s sad to be a lover today.
Our letters are mails,
Our calls, texts.

I wish I loved you back when
letters were the real deal.
I’d keep all of them safe, and
wouldn’t fear them getting ‘deleted’.

I would’ve smelt them,
for your beautiful hands would’ve touched them.
I would’ve traced each word with my fingers,
for your heart must have whispered each phrase.
I would’ve kissed them, thinking I’ve kissed you,
for you must have spoken the words out loud.

And I would’ve held them close,
thinking I’ve embraced a part of you.

It’s sad to be a lover today.

I Don’t Miss You

My Poems

If you’d ask me whether I miss you,

I’d say I don’t.
But just sometimes, when I’m looking at the setting sun,
My eyes well up —
And my heart aches for your presence beside me.

But, no, I don’t miss you all the time.

I’m being honest.
Just sometimes when I’m ready to run away from everything
I think of your arms, that I’d want to call home.

But I really don’t miss you,

For life’s busy and life’s fast.
Just sometimes, when time is flying by —
            I close my eyes and hope to see you smile.

5 life-lessons taught by a 13-year-old


Anne Frank, the diary of a young girl is a book that comes under ‘must-read’ in everybody’s list. It is not only an awesome book for historians, but an emotional roller coaster for everyone. As emotional as the book may be, it is also surprisingly uplifting and humorous.

What some readers will appreciate is the sheer wisdom that Anne Frank exhibits at an age so young. And through that wisdom and understanding, I’ve lifted five amazing quotes from the book that will really encourage you to look at life in a new light.

Anne Frank quote 1

Just when you think you don’t have the time, remember this.

Anne Frank quote 2

So many things, so often, make us so sad. But if only we remember that the world still exists and the flowers still bloom, and the birds still chirp, we’ll continue to be happy.

Anne Frank quote 3

Life isn’t so easy, and people aren’t always kind. But just because they don’t care about your opinion, doesn’t mean you cannot have one.

Anne Frank quote 4

Always be thankful. Always.

Anne Frank quote 5

Even after a long lazy day I have felt tired and wasted and guilty. But a day full of work and production has often left me tired, sure, but so so satisfied.

Such wise words are worth every re-read of the book. If you’re someone who is still unaware of the blazing light that envelopes the reader, you must really really pick this book up as soon as possible. You won’t regret it.