5 Superb Women Authored Books You Could Start Reading NOW


Firstly, I am not a huge fan of ‘Women’s Day’. Sorry if that bothers you, but women and men and other genders are all amazing and fabulous. And women are superb beings. And one day is just not enough to celebrate a woman.

Anyhoo, here’s my list of the awesome women authors you have to read. HAVE TO. Women are rad, but these authors kick ass! A few months ago, or maybe last year, I don’t remember, I got down to reading only women authors. Specially coloured authors like Alice Walker, of course Angelou, Octavia Butler and the likes. Then there was Katherine Stockett, our very own Sudha Murthy (I love her!), Louisa M Alcott, Sylvia Plath, the very rad Sandberg etc etc.

So what happened when I read women authors for about two months. I felt somehow more confident, happier and proud. Being a woman, it is so good to read stories about other women. And if you’re someone who thinks that women stories are all about their ranting and are sad depressing stories then oh you’re so mistaken.

So without boring you to death, here’s my list of the amazing women authors you could start reading right away.

1. The Colour Purple by Alice Walker
I read this on my Kindle, but oh I so want the physical copy of this book after reading this. It is a book I could re-read. It is a classic. I will not give you the synopsis of the tale, but I will tell you this… The story will make you feel miserable and will then set your spirits free. The relationship between Celie and Shug Avery is what you should look out for.

2. The Help by Kathryn Stockett
Like women who don’t follow no rules? This book is going to introduce three marvellous women to you and will leave you with a laughing heart. And what’s better, the villains and the heroes of the book are both women. So no man-beating here. It is a fast read.

3. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou
I cannot explain this book to you, you gotta read this wonderfully poetic and powerful book to fall in love with Angelou.

4. Pinjar by Amrita Pritam (Hindi & Punjabi)
Pinjar is a heart wrenching tale of Puro, that puts forth the harrowing situation of women during the Indo-Pak partition. What’s amazing about the tale is how Puro embodies the injustice and the frustration it accompanies with it, and yet, like most women she rises from her ashes only to find immense strength and courage in her. Read it for the marvellous storytelling of Amrita Pritam.

5. Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
Most of you must have read this already, but if you haven’t, please, please do. And if you have, this is a book worth a re-read. A story of a mother and four little women, struggling through the trials and tribulations of the Civil War. Everybody loves the March family, and I swear you would too.

So go ahead and read all these lovely books. Thank me later!

5 life-lessons taught by a 13-year-old


Anne Frank, the diary of a young girl is a book that comes under ‘must-read’ in everybody’s list. It is not only an awesome book for historians, but an emotional roller coaster for everyone. As emotional as the book may be, it is also surprisingly uplifting and humorous.

What some readers will appreciate is the sheer wisdom that Anne Frank exhibits at an age so young. And through that wisdom and understanding, I’ve lifted five amazing quotes from the book that will really encourage you to look at life in a new light.

Anne Frank quote 1

Just when you think you don’t have the time, remember this.

Anne Frank quote 2

So many things, so often, make us so sad. But if only we remember that the world still exists and the flowers still bloom, and the birds still chirp, we’ll continue to be happy.

Anne Frank quote 3

Life isn’t so easy, and people aren’t always kind. But just because they don’t care about your opinion, doesn’t mean you cannot have one.

Anne Frank quote 4

Always be thankful. Always.

Anne Frank quote 5

Even after a long lazy day I have felt tired and wasted and guilty. But a day full of work and production has often left me tired, sure, but so so satisfied.

Such wise words are worth every re-read of the book. If you’re someone who is still unaware of the blazing light that envelopes the reader, you must really really pick this book up as soon as possible. You won’t regret it.

Is Amazon Kindle the right thing for you?

Kindle thy inner reader

Amazon Kindle is absolutely amazing. Hands down, it is the best gadget for all your reading needs. A decent Kindle costs about Rs. 10,000. And although Amazon tempts you with discounts and brings down the cost by three grands, you’re not sure if you should spend that hard-earned money on the device. I have owned a Kindle for five years. And I have decided on these 9 questions that will help you decide if you should buy the gadget.

  1. Do you love showing off your book collection?
    – The Kindle is not for you. All your books are digital. However expensive, beautiful or show-off worthy, they’re inside your device. So you cannot really sport a wonderful teak bookshelf.
    No – Buy the damn thing. If you’re someone who doesn’t care about who sees what you’re reading, then the Kindle is for you.
  2. Do you lend your books to others and love sharing the experience of reading?
    Yes – If you’re a lender and like it when people read your books and enjoy it, then the Kindle is not for you. Kindle does not allow sharing books, at least in India. They do offer this in the US, but not in India.  
    No –
    If you hate people taking your books or even touching them, the Kindle is for you. Your books stay yours, now and forever. You just don’t share because you can’t. Yay!
  3. Do you wear spectacles?
    Yes – I wear specs myself, and half the time, I forget them on my bed post, or my side table, or in the pocket of a coat. I am often seen squinting to read something. And when I don’t have my specs, reading a book can be a nightmare. A paper book, that is. But my dear Kindle lets me set the font size. Specs or no specs, I can read my books with minimal stress. If you can totally relate to this, you need a Kindle.   
    No – 
    But, do you often find text to be too small, or the size being a problem when you’re on a bus because it all gets so shaky? A kindle can solve this problem. It can adjust font size and font face. Which is absolutely great.
  4.  Do you travel a lot and read a lot during those travels?
    Yes –
     I haven’t met a person who likes to travel heavy. And a Kindle weights about 200 grams. That’s feather light. And in 200 grams, you can carry hundreds of books without the weight! And what if you’ve finished your book and need a new one? Well, just download a new one! All you need is the internet. 
    No – Well, if you don’t travel a lot, you could probably do without a Kindle. But that is when you don’t travel to work as well. Because reading on a Kindle is a hundred times better when you’re on a bus or are crushing between people in the metro. Sometimes in the rush, your book falls, you have to shut it because there is no space, people go tugging at your bookmark etc. But in a Kindle, one button and there you go. You’ve closed your book, put the bookmark, and what’s more, the size lets you slide it into your bag, or jacket pocket with utter ease. Your books wont crease!
  5. Do you read many books at once?
    Buy the Kindle. One, because it can carry thousands of books on the device without any ‘space’ problem. Two, it bookmarks your last page read on every book without you having to remember where you stopped. You can read many books with absolute ease, without even having to carry the load.
    No- You don’t need a Kindle just for its feature of holding a thousand books at once.
  6. Are you forgetful?
    Yes- So, you forget your book at home, at office, on the metro, in the car? Buy a Kindle. You will remember carrying it just as you remember carrying your phone. And you’ll never be without a book again.
    No- You mean you’ve never forgotten to carry your book with you? Well. Okay.
  7. Do your devices always show ‘low battery’?
     Relax, you need to charge your Kindle only once a fortnight. And that’s when you’re reading all day. And if you’re also reading all night, probably a recharge once a week will do it. I’m serious. The battery life of the device is killer.
    No- Then you have one less device to charge! A Kindle needs to be charged only once in a fortnight! Isn’t it a dream device?
  8. Do you read at night?
    And if you have someone sleeping next to you, you can turn those lights off and turn on your Kindle. No, it does not strain your eyes. The lights in the Kindle don’t work like a mobile phone’s, it is soft and adjustable. Which is pretty cool.
    No- Then you can probably do with the cheapest Kindle. It does not have backlight, but has all the other perks.
  9. Do you really want to read the books but find them way too expensive?
    You’d be glad to know, Kindle versions of books are often very cheap, or they are available at considerable discounts. So that’s a plus.
    No- But who minds cheaper, yet legal, books?

So there you go. decide for yourself if you really need it. As for me, I love the device. It is awesome to own one. Even if you don’t use it everyday, you can always read on it sometimes. Some books are way too expensive, and Kindle comes to the rescue. Some books are hard to find or are not available in your country, use Kindle versions. A Kindle is a beautiful gadget, to own and to gift.


Wanna read in Hindi? Begin here


So many of us have read so many books. And there are only so many Indian authors writing in ways that are relatable to Indians. Most Indians, majorly North Indians, have an added advantage of knowing another language that is used by them almost all the time – Hindi. And most of us haven’t thought about it, but there is a plethora of books in Hindi that are just amazing and will leave you spellbound by their gripping storytelling.

While you read this, you may be wondering if your Hindi skills are good enough to be reading novels. Here’s the deal… If your language isn’t that good, read. It will improve your skills. Just like reading English books improves your English language skills. I cannot promise that you’d understand every word of the story, but then don’t you need dictionaries while reading other novels? Use this link to translate any difficult words to English, and wallah, you’re all equipped to get reading.
Hindi can sometimes seem intimidating. But there are a few authors like Premchand, Bhisham Sahni and Amrita Pritam, who will make you realise what you’ve been missing and it won’t be so difficult anymore.

Another idea that crosses ones mind is, ‘there are always translations!’. Well yes, there are, but just think about the Hindi dubbing of English films, and you’ll get the idea of the accuracy of the translations. Only a very few translators do a great job in keeping safe the emotions of the book.

So here is a list of books that you can start with if you want to give a hand at reading in Hindi. Trust me, you’ll not worry about the difficulty once you start reading.

1. मुंशी प्रेमचंद 

Premchand is one of the most known authors in Hindi language. You must have heard of him and must have probably read his work back in school. Some of his books are over a hundred years old. He was considered to be the first Hindi author whose writings prominently featured realism. His novels usually describe the sufferings of the poor and the downtrodden. Below are some of his books you can binge read. He also has a set of short stories which you can read one story at a time, if you’re a slow reader.

मासिक वेतन तो पूर्णमासी का चाँद है, जो एक दिन दिखाई देता है और घटते-घटते लुप्त हो जाता है – प्रेमचंद

And what’s great is these books come real cheap because of the small readership (which is sad 😥 ) Buy them here.


2. अमृता प्रीतम 

Amrita Pritam, is an acclaimed writer and poet from Punjab. She is clearly one of the top writers and is the first Punjabi woman novelist and poet. You must remember her for the story Pinjar? The one that was turned into a movie starring Urmila Matondkar and Manoj Bajpayee? Yeah well, that is the kind of emotion that runs in the veins of her characters. She was the first woman to receive Sahitya Academi Award! I’d say, read Pinjar. But if you don’t want to, you MUST read her autobiography – रसीदी टिकट . The book is going to leave your heart aching and your eyes moist with the intensity of her love and her passion for life.

वह धरती नरक होती है जहाँ महुआ नहीं उगता – अमृता प्रीतम

Again, cheap books that are indeed priceless. Buy them here.

3. एक गधे की आत्मकथा – कृष्ण चन्दर 

12E9B0B4-452A-47A0-BBB5-D3094FA98751The last two authors were my personal favourites and have been written ages ago. But this one was recently authored and oh what a read!
As the title goes Ek Gadhe ki Aatmakatha, this story revolves around the life of an educated donkey. Pulling a beautiful satire on the society, the politics and the people of today, this book is extremely easy to read. And what’s the plus side? It has an amazing storytelling. A 100 pages have summed up the comedy of homosapiens quite precisely.
Buy it and I promise you will not regret it.


4. इश्क़ में शहर होना – रवीश कुमार 

FC42FD27-EB8F-42E6-B61F-4659B145896ARavish Kumar. Well, he is a journalist who is admired by the whole nation for his straightforward self and unbiased approach towards problems. I have read his works and his blog Qasbaa, and he writes in the everyday Hindi, without using fancy words. So this book is a must read if you’re looking for easy yet sassy content.
Laprek (Short Love Story) is a highly ambitious, experimental Nano format of story writing. Originated at digital platform of Facebook, the famous face of TV news, anchor Ravish Kumar has started writing micro fiction in a limited space of Facebook and twitter. The politics of our times figures as Metaphor in the loving exchange between characters. Laprek is a story of Love in cities. It is a story of Cities in love.
Are you using kindle unlimited? The book is available there. Or you can always buy a physical copy.

5. हरिशंकर परसाई

Parsai is an author all of whose books are great. They’re funny and full of satire. I’ll just present a few of his books’ names and you’ll know – निठल्ले की डायरी , अपनी अपनी बीमारी, कहत कबीर, तुलसीदास चन्दन घिसें, and जैसे उनके दिन फिरे .

मैं मरूं तो मेरी नाक पर सौ का नोट रखकर देखना, शायद उठ जाऊं –

You can read any of his books. They’re all very well written and are a great read.
Buy them here.


So yeah, go ahead and read. Trust me, reading in your vernacular language is absolutely amazing. The idea is to not give up. Yes, it will be a little difficult in the beginning and you will read only one page in about five minutes, but then you will start picking up speed and be reading like you read in English.

Happy Reading! 🙂

Read them ‘fore they turn to films in 2018


Everybody loves a good book and we all love to watch our favourite books in the form of movies. Yeah, we all can criticise it later about how major chunks of the book were missing in the film, but nevertheless. With the dearth of original thought and mostly every aspect of love and war covered in movies, film makers are bound to turn to books. And some of the best books are being directed by some of the best film makers.

Then there are some of us, like me, who want to read the book before they watch the movie. Like, when Life of Pi came out, I wanted to watch the movie so very much, but just because I had not read the book by then, I did not watch it. So, before these books turn to movies in the coming year, you have about two months to read them, because the films are going to be irresistible!

There are more than twenty such books. But I’ll list down eight, if you’re to finish one book a week. 🙂

1. Ready Player One by Ernest Cline 

Ready Player One

The book has been voted as the best science fiction of the 21st century! And only one man could probably do justice to the racing plot – Steven Spielberg.
In the year 2044, reality is an ugly place. The only time teenage Wade Watts really feels alive is when he’s jacked into the virtual utopia known as the OASIS. Wade finds himself solving puzzles and competing with players who are ready to kill, for the winner is promised immense power and fortune.
Spielberg with Warner Bros. is all set to thrill us. And before he does, go read it!
Buy it on Amazon and while your order arrives, watch the trailer.

2. All The Bright Places by Jennifer Niven 

9E4391EC-87FC-43ED-B32B-B40BB82B44A5Are you a John Green fan and ‘The Fault in Our Stars’ is your love bible? Then this book is for you, and so is the movie that stars Elle Fanning (Super 8 fame).
The story revolves around Theodore Finch, a boy who loves the idea of death and Violet, who is grieving for her dead sister. When the two meet on the ledge of the school bell tower, it is unclear who saves whom. And they pair up on a project to discover the “natural wonders” of their state, only to make more important discoveries: It’s only with Violet that Finch can be himself—a weird, funny, live-out-loud guy who’s not such a freak after all. And it’s only with Finch that Violet can forget to count away the days and start living them. But as Violet’s world grows, Finch’s begins to shrink.
Buy it on Amazon and while your order is delivered, watch the trailer.

3. Calling Sehmat by Harinder Sikka 

6969F7AA-D128-4A2A-9DA6-86D081C505C2The book by Harinder Sikka is being turned into a film named ‘Raazi’ which would be directed by Meghna Gulzar and produced by Karan Johar. It will see Alia Bhatt as Sehmat.
The book is about a Kashmiri woman who married a Pakistani Army Officer so as to provide the Indian intelligence with invaluable information during the Indo-Pak War of 1971. Sehmat devised unique ways in her quest to get closer to the top brass in Pakistan. She almost single-handedly torpedoed Pakistans war plans through indefinable courage, wit and determination and was responsible for saving lives of scores of Indian soldiers.
Read it before it hits the cinemas in May, 2018. Buy your copy here.

4. Confessions of a Thug by Philip Meadows Taylor 

F604B811-7B5E-41A3-A804-3BD26B5B74A2Hold your breath, because Amitabh Bachchan, Aamir Khan, Katrina Kaif and Fathima Sana Sheikh are set to star in the adaptation of the novel in the film – Thugs of Hindostan. It is set to release on Diwali, 2018.
Confessions of a Thug is the most influential novel about India before Kipling’s Kim and was one of the best-selling crime novels of the nineteenth century. In the course of a confession to a white ‘sahib’ the imprisoned Ameer Ali recounts his life as a devoted follower of Thuggee, a secret religious cult practising ritual mass murder and robbery. Taylor uncovered evidence of the crimes committed by bands of Thugs as a Superintendent of Police in India during the 1820s.
Read it now so you can boast about how you know the entire script of an Aamir Khan movie! It has a cheap kindle edition that you can download on your phone and read wherever whenever.

5. The Tale of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter 

0DCDB4BD-F48A-41DA-83C2-42BDA1121E67Love a nice animated film? Then you better read this before it hits the screen this spring.
Peter Rabbit warns naughty children about the grave consequences of misbehaving. When Mrs. Rabbit beseeches her four furry children not to go into Mr. McGregor’s garden, the impish Peter naturally takes this as an open invitation to create mischief. He quickly gets in over his head, when he is spotted by farmer McGregor himself. Any child with a spark of sass will find Peter’s adventures remarkably familiar. And they’ll see in Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cotton-tail that bane of their existence: the “good” sibling who always does the right thing. One earns bread and milk and blackberries for supper, while the obstinate folly of the other warrants medicine and an early bedtime.
Everybody loves this world famous children’s book, and it is a must read and a must have for everyone, kids and adults alike. Buy it and put it in your bookshelf and I promise, it would be a beautiful addition. Oh and you can also watch the trailer.

6. The Invisible Man by H.G. Wells

AD7F24B3-8CFE-4A47-B47C-DDA41059BB8CThis book has seen many an adaptations. But this one will star Johnny Depp. Yes, Depp. So if you haven’t read this book yet, go for it. Buy it, borrow it, steal it, but please read it.
As the plot goes, a scientist, Griffin, creates a serum to render himself invisible. And unable to reverse the invisibility he decends into madness.
I’d say, read the book anyway. It is over a hundred years old book. Published in 1897. Yes. So go ahead, read it.



7. A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle 

321E2139-459F-4BBB-BC71-A56366D0A9B1It was a dark and stormy night; Meg Murry, her small brother Charles Wallace, and her mother had come down to the kitchen for a midnight snack when they were upset by the arrival of a most disturbing stranger.
Meg’s father had been experimenting with this fifth dimension of time travel when he mysteriously disappeared. Now the time has come for Meg, her friend Calvin, and Charles Wallace to rescue him. But can they outwit the forces of evil they will encounter on their heart-stopping journey through space?
You’ve totally got to read this one. And I bet you’d want to after you watch this trailer.

8. Bluebeard by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. 

0F330E77-6493-4DB1-A063-E0C9CFACEC70Clever, tragic, funny, mysterious, unexpected. These are only a few words people have used to describe the book. Vonnegut is an author you’d fall in love with. Sooner the better.
Broad humor and bitter irony collide in this fictional autobiography of Rabo Karabekian, who, at age seventy-one, wants to be left alone on his Long Island estate with the secret he has locked inside his potato barn. But then a voluptuous young widow badgers Rabo into telling his life story—and Vonnegut in turn tells us the plain, heart-hammering truth about man’s careless fancy to create or destroy what he loves.
Buy it. It has a bloody 4.02/5 rating on Goodreads!

So yeah, that’s the list of the most amazing and compelling storytelling that’re going to hit the screens the coming year and if you’re a reader and a film buff, you really gotta read these books. Watching a film after reading the book is a joy you shouldn’t miss.